Dr J Natarajan M.Com.,M.B.A.,M.Ed.,M.Phil.,M.Phil.,P.hD


This is a good institution with a group of very talented teachers and staff who set high standards and expectations for the children. We are inclusive and celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of everyone within the College. We care about our young people, with our first priority always being to make sure they are happy and safe so that they are able to learn. Our academic standards continue to improve each year and the curriculum we have designed ensures that children are both engaged and able to succeed in an ever-changing world. We greatly value the opportunities of being part of the Pinnacle Learning Trust, including our very strong links with Oldham Sixth Form College, where the vast majority of our students go on to attend. We have an extensive package of extra-curricular activities to help enrich children’s academic and social experiences, taking learning beyond the classroom. If you require further information or would like to visit the College, please feel free to contact me personally.


“ One who plans for a year sows rice!

One who plans for a decade, plants trees!

One who plans for a life lifetime educates people!”