The library is the heart of Educational Institutions. The main aim of the library is to provide the right documents to the right users at the right time. Our library is a vast ocean of knowledge interspersed with different pearls of well-stocked books, Educational Journals and CDs. Our library is stocked with 5700 B.Ed books. To supplement this knowledge our library has a depository of 15 journals, EBSCO and N-List Database of the full-text journal with E-Books, Encyclopedia, Dictionaries, Year Books and new pearls in the form of new books are added frequently. Along with this, the library offers services of interlibrary loan to avail the rich reservoir of knowledge from other libraries.

Facilities and Services

  • Book Lending
  • Orientation to New users
  • Reference Service
  • InterLibrary Loan Service
  • Current Awareness Service (Display of New Arrivals)
  • Reprographic Facility on demand
  • Electronic Catalogue
  • E-Resources (E-Books)